General Errors While Upgrading

These are errors that can occur when moving between different versions, that aren't specific to any version:

  • Export Fails - unable to export AnObsoletePRKernelSettings

    This can happen due to a widget that is part of Pier, but the underlying class is not loaded. For example, if the book distribution is used (PRBookDistribution), but the Pier-Book config is not loaded, then classes like BONoteWidget and BOPortion will not be loaded. Loading the missing config resolves it, however it is not always easy to find what is missing.

  • With services like Seasidehosting, you can setup the perfect image locally, copy it to the server, and then when the page is opened remotely, it is missing it CSS:
    Missing CSS
    Trying to edit the file can be difficult, so it is easier to open your image locally again, find the object in a workspace:

    PRKernel instances size = 1. "Check that there is only one. Next inspect the below:"
    (PRPathLookup start: PRKernel instances any root path: '/system/components/defaultCss') file location
    "This should show an inspector with the path from files/<first>/<second> - Create that path and upload the missing style.css to the server."

    To resolve the problem, it is likely to require re-starting the image to have the file read.

  • It may take time to upgrade, if there is time between the original production install and the upgraded copy, one can synch up the changed pages quite easily. One can identify if a password was changed by printing the hashes out (ran from the kernel user collection):

    (self asSortedCollection: [ :a :b | a name < b name ]) do: [ :user | Transcript cr; show: user name; space; show: (user instVarAt: 4) hash ]